我叫杜承叡 是護理科209班的學生 來自台中 畢業於新光國中 生日是10月20日 興趣是打排球🏐 個性偏向內向 不太敢主動找別人聊天 所以認識新同學對我來說一直是一件很恐怖的事情 做事也很隨和 通常都是大家決定好什麼就什麼 沒什麼意見 平常的興趣就是打排球 至於成績的話 只能說是時好時壞 簡單來說就是個普通到不能在普通的人 而從剛進來仁德到現在 兩年的時間 我也學到了很多專業知識 像是人體每個部位有哪些神經和骨頭 還有基護的技術 例如:肌肉注射、點滴加藥、大小量的灌腸...等 還參加了兩次的技術大考 只能說當下真的是緊張到手不聽使喚的狂斗 幸好後來都成功考過了 而我也考了急救的證照 接下來的生活也會繼續努力 希望再接下來的日子能再認識更多朋友 五年考試都歐趴 並順利出去實習 達到畢業門檻 最後成功考到護理師執照
My name is Du Chengrui. I am a student in Class 209 of the Nursing Department. I am from Taichung. I graduated from Xinguang Junior High School. My birthday is October 20. My hobby is playing volleyball. I am an introvert and don’t dare to take the initiative to chat with others, so it is important for me to meet new classmates. It has always been a very important thing, scary thing, and very easy-going in doing things. Usually everyone decides what to do and there is no opinion. I am usually bored. Besides playing volleyball, my favorite thing is to play mobile games! It's a bit unrealistic because I can't grow taller, so I always want to work hard to grow taller. In terms of relative performance, I can only say that it is good and bad. Simply put, I am an ordinary person who cannot be ordinary. It has been two years since I first joined Rende. I also learned a lot of professional knowledge, such as the nerves and bones in each part of the human body, as well as basic care techniques, such as surgical injections, intravenous drips, large and small enemas, etc. I also took two technical exams. I can only say that I was so nervous that I couldn’t control my control. I survived the mad fight, but later I successfully passed the exam, and I also passed the first aid exam. I will continue to work hard in life and hope to make more friends in the next five years. Duou lay on his stomach and successfully graduated from internship to graduate and finally successfully passed the exam of nurse practitioner.
我的生涯規畫 就是希望考試都能順利的考過 不會被當掉 五年後成功拿到護理師的執照 並且到中國醫藥大學上班 因為離家裡最近 雖然我知道過程會很辛苦 但我相信只要有努力 都會有回報的